West Tampa real estate market is gaining attention...
First NOHO Investment group takes a leap of faith in building 6 shotgun style homes-
Intown announced they were to build 75-100 new architecturally accurate bungalow style homes. A
partner in the now defunct O2 condos announced a 100 million project (condos, apartments) on 10 acres between Cypress and Gray streets and Oregon and Rome avenues and The Castillo Housing Corp announced plans to build six single-family houses, 19 town houses, and a 12,000-square-foot retail and office building. Now the city is asking for proposals for what to do with the
Fort Homer Hesterly Armory. For those unfamiliar, the Armory was an event driven site where Elvis Presley performed (1955) and President John F Kennedy spoke(1963). Developers have been coveting this site for quite some time and would probably like to see it transformed into lofts or the city may choose to revive it as an entertainment venue.
Looks like the ol quote "It's time for West Tampa" may finally be coming true.