Sunday, April 23, 2006

"The great conversion reversion of 2006"

Interesting article about communities in South Florida reversing from condo conversions to rentals.

Update: More construction/conversions coming to a halt

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Place Phase II

Not sure how accurate this rendering of the Place is, but if it looks anything like this it will be a great addition to the Channelside District. Many locals were concerned with it's height but Key Developers did a good job explaining the "point tower" effect and it's positive attributes.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Skypoint 2

Update: Below is a model of downtown for anyone interested in seeing how the new buildings will sit downtown. The bldg on the right is Skypoint facing Ashley.
I've received many questions on these bldgs and will do my best to return all emails as soon as possible.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Skypoint 3

Today, Skypoint developer, Novare, revealed renderings of their proposed downtown towers. They requested to rezone two adjacent parking lots to make room for their recycled designs. One of the buildings is a mirror image of Skypoint - While I'm very excited about the prospect of more downtown dwellers, I must express my disappointment with Novare's creativity. Maybe they could have put more thought or perhaps come to the table with a "fresh" approach to enhace our downtown and specifically the arts district.

Units will start in the 200k to 400k with 65% being one bedrooms.

The developers must return May 4 for final approval.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another Tower announced

101 Meridian Corp filed plans at City Hall and will be heard(zoning) by city council in Sep06. 102 Whiting St. If I'm not mistaken, this is where the "let's goto happy hour after work" Cold Storage bar used to sit.

Condo plan causes alarm

Looks like new Tampa is tired of "growth" and is coming out swinging to ensure these condos don't see the light of day!

see March 15 post

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tampa Towers - closer to reality

This week the developer of the much hyped (in real estate circles!) Tampa Towers will request to rezone the vacant property, used as a parking lot at Morgan and Washington, to build a highrise residential condo - approx 472 units. There is some confusion from their website as to what the project will look like. Either way it looks like a cool project.

Update: Developer asked for a continuance May 18 @ 10AM

Sunday, April 09, 2006

"Builder Closeout"

More and more frequently I've been noticing "discounts" where the builder throws in upgrades such as granite countertops, better appliances, HOA fees paid for a year and paid closing costs. Inventory numbers are getting larger and are sure to increase as more developements complete this year. Is it a sign the market is not interested in the product or that the product is overpriced?

Update 4/18: Throwing everything but the kitchen sink

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

West Tampa Renaissance

West Tampa real estate market is gaining attention...

First NOHO Investment group takes a leap of faith in building 6 shotgun style homes-
Then Intown announced they were to build 75-100 new architecturally accurate bungalow style homes. A partner in the now defunct O2 condos announced a 100 million project (condos, apartments) on 10 acres between Cypress and Gray streets and Oregon and Rome avenues and The Castillo Housing Corp announced plans to build six single-family houses, 19 town houses, and a 12,000-square-foot retail and office building. Now the city is asking for proposals for what to do with the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory. For those unfamiliar, the Armory was an event driven site where Elvis Presley performed (1955) and President John F Kennedy spoke(1963). Developers have been coveting this site for quite some time and would probably like to see it transformed into lofts or the city may choose to revive it as an entertainment venue.

Looks like the ol quote "It's time for West Tampa" may finally be coming true.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

What's the starting bid?

Tampa, FL (PRWEB) April 1, 2006 -- Higgenbotham Auctioneers International announced today that the 30,000± square foot Tampa mansion formally owned by the oft thought controversial Paul Bilzerian has been slated for auction on Thursday, April 27th at 7:00 p.m. The sale of the 11-bedroom, 17-bath mansion, located at 16229 Villarreal de Avila inside the exclusive Avila subdivision of Northern Tampa, is expected to draw national attention due to its former owners colorful history.